July 5, 2014

Knowing what and when to write

Most writers wonder where or how to start when they first begin to write, but seasoned writers also have difficulty discerning which subject or story idea to focus on next. Assuming you have prayed for God’s guidance, just begin with whatever God brings to your mind. For example:

• Make a list of the Bible verses that speak to you often.

• Consider your Life Themes such as encouraging people or ministering healing to the church.

• Keep a diary, notebook, scrapbook, or journal.

• Practice journaling in a written conversation with God.

• List stories in your life that might make illustrative works of fiction.

• Start an "Idea Folder" on your favorite topics, interests, and places you would like to go.

• Jot down dreams, thoughts, and insights that come to you on awakening.

• Write down every idea God brings to mind for a story, article, or book.

If an idea or subject comes up again and again, prayerfully consider this as the start of a writing project, then let your imagination play. Have fun with the possibilities. Get comfy. Relax. Focus on a central topic or story idea, then let your thoughts flow. Write down everything that comes to mind without censoring yourself or eliminating any possibilities at this point. Later, you can cut or insert words as you revise.

Why wait? Writing and editing involve two separate tasks and actually use two different parts of the brain. By separating those aspects of your work into different time slots, you’ll avoid short-circuiting yourself!

Writing takes time. Revising takes time. So you might be wondering what you’ll do when you have no time to spare. Simple! Use snatches. A minute here or a half-hour there, waiting around for something, can offer writing moments you might not have realized were yours. For example, consider how “Tweeting” in 140 characters sounds inconsequential, but spending only a few minutes a day on Twitter for four years gave me 147 single-spaced, typewritten pages!

Although a well-written manuscript consists of more than tweets, notes, and fleeting thoughts, a little time at the beginning of a writing project can save you all sorts of time (and grief!) as you proceed. For example, almost every type of writing needs an underlying theme and purpose with an appropriate audience in mind. A favorite Bible verse can provide that theme, perhaps, with the purpose of helping to increase a reader’s faith in God, Christ, the church, love, forgiveness, or biblical principle.
“Wear steadfast love, kindness, and truth around your neck. Write them on your heart, and you will have a good reputation with God and with people too. Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on what you think you know. Remember God in everything you do, and the Lord will show you the way,” Proverbs 3:3-6

© 2014 Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved. This above post is an excerpt from the Christian Writer's Guide e-book.

Christian Writer's Guide, Kindle e-book on Amazon

June 25, 2014

Time in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry

• Let a narrative poem, true story, novel, or short story unfold according to its time sequence.

• Avoid flashbacks or use sparingly.

• Avoid distractions or unnecessary interruptions.

• Let time flow.

• In nonfiction, arrange each point chronologically, sequentially, or logically in the natural order of development.

• Make your points then move along from one point of interest to another.


© 2014, Mary Harwell Sayler - poet-author of published books in all genres, and a lifelong lover of Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the church - wrote the Christian Writers' Guide e-book with you in mind.


June 21, 2014

Breaking the Good News to your readers

Television news and articles on the Internet often give the impression that no good news exists! We constantly hear about failures and falls – the fall of meteorites, the fall of the economy, the fall of politicians, pastors, past heroes, and church membership – all of which can be expected in a fallen world. But here’s the Good News! Christ rescues and forgives. Christ saves.

As Christians, we ARE the Body of Christ on earth, which means, of course, we CAN make a difference! How? Through empowerment by the Holy Spirit and the power of the pen, pencil, print, and Internet….

I’ll be eager to hear your suggestions about this in the Comments section below. Meanwhile, these starters come to mind:


Get comfortable. Get quiet. Pray, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Empty your thoughts. Quiet your mind. Give God a chance to speak to you. How? However, God chooses! Often this will be an impression, inspired thought, or sudden recollection of a word from the Bible that seems especially relevant and timely.

Observe. Notice. Use your good senses!

For example, notice your own reactions to people, ads, news, sermons, events. What troubles you? Do you feel grieved, as I do, when you hear someone bad-mouth God, Christ, Christianity, and the church? Do you wonder, as I do, what Jesus thinks of the bickering and “gang rivalry” that occurs among Christians and various denominations? Do you hear about problems but know of biblical solutions you can address in a poem, article, book, or Bible story retold in a fresh but accurate way?


To whom do you intend to speak? If children, are you drawn to a particular age group? If adults, do you feel a stronger connection with young people, middle-aged readers, retirees, or elderly persons? Do you interact with those prospective readers often enough to know what’s on their minds, on their plates, or under their feet?


When you know who your readers will be, think about a topic or theme you want to discuss that will most likely interest them. Then sharpen your focus as you identify your writing goal or purpose. i.e., What do you hope your poem, fiction, or nonfiction will accomplish? Do you want to encourage faith? Do you see yourself as an evangelizer whose writings can coax non-Christians to Christ? Do you hope to help heal rifts and misunderstandings in the Body of Christ? How would you go about each of those goals?


• In what ways will the Kingdom of God and Will of God attract your readers?

• In what ways would you like for the church to adapt to our changing culture but not lose the power of the Gospel message?

• In what ways can you encourage readers to take the first command in Genesis 1:28 as God's word to protect the environment?

• In what ways can you encourage readers to take the “wreck” out of recreation and put godly acts into action?

• In what way can your writing show true love for God, other Christians, and “those people” we don’t relate to or even like?

• In what winsome ways can all of us accurately, intelligently, empathetically, lovingly, and prayerfully break the good Good News to our readers?


© 2014, Mary Harwell Sayler - poet-author of 26 traditionally published books in all genres, and a lifelong lover of Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the church Body of Christ in all its parts - wrote the Christian Writer's Guide e-book with you and the above thoughts in mind.


June 12, 2014

Ministry of Christian poets and writers

Wondering how the members of our Christian Poets and Writers group on Facebook saw their writing ministries, I recently asked:

In what ways do you hope your writing will help to draw others to Christ, up-build the church, and strength faith?

Adeline: I believe people respond to writers who are real and authentic – honest about our struggles and how God reveals himself to us in the midst of good and tough times. My desire is for my life and my writing to be congruent – nothing more and nothing less.

Brian: Many of my poems center on Christian truth. There can be a kind of prophetic dimension to poems that comfort, challenge, inform, and edify.

Christine: I hope others will be able to see and say, "Wow, she can relate to me. God does love me and want the best for me. I'm not perfect, but I am the apple of His eye, and there is hope."

Anne: I hope my writing will give others hope. I want those who hurt to know God cares. And for those who feel alone, I want them to know God is with them, even though they only hear silence.

Gregory: (I want to) empower and equip others to live out their unique, God-given destiny!

Kristen: I write for children 9 to 14. I want them to realize our God can be relied upon and even children can make a difference.

Me: What a joy to see so many ways of expressing God's love! Like Adeline, I believe people respond well to honesty, and the Bible itself shows this to be true. Except for Christ, every Bible story shows flawed people, whom God still chose, forgave, and blessed, so I want my writing to be real and help readers to get real with themselves and God. My primary goals, however, are to encourage loving interactions among Christians, up-build the church Body of Christ, and draw people into reading the Bible.

Rali: My desire is to see my readers inspired to live fulfilled, empowered, and victorious lives in Christ – that they know and walk in God's plan for their lives.

Paul: (I want to give) examples from real life that show our past errors can point us to Christ, who offers grace and new beginnings. Writing that offers hope in spite of the past draws attention away from the sin and toward His forgiveness. I'm not sure I've accomplished that yet, but every day gives new opportunities. I like blank pages.

Barbara: I hope and pray my recent book will break down some prejudices and stereotypes. I wrote it to tell a story but was also keenly aware of the fact that I was to approach a certain topic with accurate facts and an open mind. So far the response to the book has been positive.

Marie: I hope my writing will bring encouragement and hope to many people! I also pray for my readers, wherever they are, that God will bring glory to His name through my poetry.

Fran: I hope my book about seeing God in everyday experiences will bring others closer to God through my easy-to-understand poems and devotions. I also hope people will be encouraged to know my first book was published a month after my 80th birthday.

Jeannie: I hope my writing will inspire others to trust God and create a deeper hunger for His Word by sharing real life examples of what He is doing in my heart. His Word is greater than gold, achieving things for us money cannot buy. I hope my writing will show His greatness.

Norma: I believe Christian fiction is a terrific tool for leading people to Christ and discipling believers. It provides a non-confrontational format to show how believers live and how their lives differ from the world around them. I hope my characters will be identified with and will lead others to see the need for Christ in their own lives.

Stacey: All I hope my writing does is show people God/Jesus' love and desire for them and to glorify Him in all things, working for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Rebecca: By writing the truth, especially within the genre of fiction, I hope my readers will gasp and see the a-ha.

Carole: I pray the Lord will use my writings to draw people unto Himself, to realize their need for Him in their lives. I pray this with all my heart, and I thank Him for the opportunity He has given me to do so. Jeremiah 31: 1, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you,” NKJV.

Patti: I write for a Christian newspaper and hope people can identify with my being real, humorous, in love with God and His church. Having my stories and poems in books and magazines 20 years ago was all about "me,” and that byline was fun! But God changed my heart around and made it all about HIM, and there the difference made a mark on my heart.

Dawn: Speak the Truth in Love. (Ephesians 4:15) Encourage and build up others. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Correct and instruct the body of Christ. (2 Timothy 4:2) Teach and train in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Brayden: I pray people realize that the way the world handles problems is not necessarily how God wanted us to handle problems. I pray that people would see that He is very much concerned with every facet of our lives and that when we follow His ways, the outcome is so much better than what we could ever expect. The situation may never change, but our hearts and attitudes do.

Elizabeth: I want my writing to point to spiritual truths in a way that catches people by surprise. Many of my poems contain symbols of spiritual truth and/ or are somewhat allegorical. I love to create an image that has greater meaning than what appears on the surface.

Terry: No matter what I am writing about, I always try to have a clear presentation of the gospel somewhere in the book. It is always my prayer that someone will be saved as a result.

Susan: Taking C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien to heart, I write to feed the religious imaginations of readers through fantastical-whimsical-spiritual stories. It is a first step to belief for the secular-minded and pure fun for the believer, who will recognize Christian themes and allusions.

Susan P: Some of my poetry has me crying as I am writing it as I know the Holy Spirit is healing me through every word I write. He inspires.

Joy: My default mode seems to be to write vulnerable, open, and honest in the hope that other wounded souls will see that they are not alone. And I hope and pray readers may be blessed by hearing how being in relationship with God makes all the difference in the world in coping with life's trials. I aim to encourage fellow believers in their faith and point to the One who gives me daily grace and strength to live and write for His glory. I'm tremendously encouraged by Fran's admission here about the age she achieved being a published author! As I'm approaching my 60th birthday, I was beginning to feel time was running out to achieve publishing my own poetry anthology and/or a devotional book/ memoir. But her words have given me fresh hope that God isn't finished with me yet, and it can still happen within His perfect timing. I love how we can inspire one another here!

Keren: Poetry for me, like Susan, feels like a release which I hope others can share, mystical stories I hope others can glimpse something of the nature of transformational love, but with my theology/ polemical writing I can be more straightforward and hope to encourage and edify. I pray over all of it that the Lord will use it (one day as I'm not published yet either) and that none of it will go to waste.

Lorretta: I aim for authenticity and transparency. I simply tell the stories of how I once was lost and now am found and hope others can see Christ through it all. Humorous or Serious – no topic is too big or too small and no mistake or triumph will get wasted.

Mamie: I write for a ministry and do various other writings too (articles, poems, etc.) So, as I write to minister, I am also teaching and preaching the Word of the Lord to anyone who's already a saved person and who receives the message from the Spirit. That involves much prayer, the Word of God, and staying in living contact with the Lord. Therefore, people have responded in considerable numbers. I give praise and glory to the Lord our God Who has given me the talent of writing that I may use it to the utmost for His glory!!

Regina: My blog is all about showing God at work in our lives – every day! And the show I produce, The Hand of God, was developed to do the same.

Prayer Soldierone: I simply pray that the words I share will find the person who needs them in the moment or the one who will reflect on them from which to build their understanding as to where the Holy Spirit is guiding.

Joyce: Faith in God is found in Christ alone. Unity in the church is found in Christ alone. My writing goal is to grow, in myself and others, a hunger and thirst for the Word of God in order that we may truly know God as we walk with Christ.

Eileen: So many authors have inspired me to grow in my walk with the Lord. Some may never know until heaven the influence they've had on me. Because of that investment in my life, I'm now a writer who longs to encourage others in their faith walk. Whether it's a word or phrase that plays in the reader's mind while she washes dishes or bathes an infant, or whether it's a life-changing chapter that she must read again and mull over, I want my words to challenge thinking and move toward real change. Words keep; they are such powerful motivators, either for good or ill. I pray my words will leave a lasting legacy of faith for all who partake.

Karin: I am learning more each day that God wants me to help Believers become more connected to His mindset, which is outlined in the Bible. The more we respond to His way, the more peace and joy we will have. Having peace and joy releases us to be who He called us to be which in turn affects other lives for the better. We cannot fulfill His call if we are stressed and worried.

Lisa B: I hope to maybe help others see things in the Word that they may have had a hard time understanding, amen.

Linda: I want my writing to draw out what hurts, so the reader can lift it to the Lord.

Anne: It is only in drawing out that hurt that it can truly heal. We live in a society that looks like things are fine – airbrushed fine. And the reality is, people are hurting, just getting better at hiding it.

Tesha: Praying our post will empower single women to take godly steps to prepare to become a wife.

Tim C: I write Bible-inspired poetry to sustain long, loving meditation on Scripture and communion with Christ. Moreover, I find poetry (and hiking) most helpful in curbing depression. Now, to your question: Much of my time after coming to Christ at age twelve had been "I think" and "I feel" instead of "It is written" and "Thus saith the Lord." When the Bible (more than my gut) becomes primary in informing my Christian walk, i am greatly helped. Hence, I write to point to the word and the Word. Said another way, I write poetry in hopes of stimulating a Berean (Acts 17:11-12) response.

Me: Thank you all for your wonderful responses! May God continue to bless you and the writing you have been given to do in all genres for the glory of God and the healing of the church Body of Christ in Jesus' Name.

© 2014, Mary Harwell Sayler, poet-author of 26 traditionally published books in all genres and the Christian Writer's Guide e-book on Amazon.

June 5, 2014

Read Like A Writer

Writing well often depends on reading well, which means studying poems or other writings to see what works and why. To analyze what you read, ask questions of the text. For example, ask:

Why did the poet or writer use that particular form, structure, setting, viewpoint, character, or ____ (fill in the blank)?

What effect did that decision have on the poem or manuscript?

Is the style formal or chatty, and does that enhance the story or topic?

Does the poem or manuscript have a rhythmic flow when read aloud?

What words jump out? Do they add emphasis or reinforce a sound effect or encourage readers to think more about the topic?

Also, notice sensory details. Then analyze whether the poet or writer relied more heavily on the sense of sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, or feeling. A well-written poem or manuscript might tap into all of the senses.

Notice the viewpoint or perspective too. What would happen if a first person poem or story (I, me, mine, we) were written in second person (you) or third person (he, she, his, hers, them, they)?

Asking questions of a poem or manuscript may seem awkward at first, but your interrogation skills will improve with practice. To ease the task, start with a book, story, article, or poem you think is poorly written, and focus on the flaws. Identify each as clearly as you can, then consider how this might have been handled differently. If you suspect your writing has a similar flaw, ask questions of it too! See what’s not working and why. Then correct those mistakes as you revise.

© 2014 - 2010 Mary Harwell Sayler, reviewer and poet-author of Living in the Nature Poem, the Bible-based poetry book Outside Eden, and other traditionally published books

Christian Poet’s Guide to Writing Poetry, e-book

May 29, 2014

Seeing Beauty and Saying Beautifully

What pressed me to request a review copy of this highly recommended book from Crossway was the title, Seeing Beauty and Saying Beautifully, which expresses my yearning for poetry – both yours and mine.

If you have searched and searched, as I have, for Christian poet-mentors to study, you know how difficult it can be to find one who does not see beauty as saccharine and who does not write unrealistic poems that tap-tap their iambic feet onto paper from Miss Goody's two shoes! And so this slender hardback comes to our rescue, featuring three poets, writers, and pray-ers worth emulating: George Herbert, George Whitefield, and C.S. Lewis.

Although each of these writers makes use of different genres to address their honest doubts, worries, and concerns, they all keep searching for God until they find, see, and express the beauty that's bound to blossom with fresh words and refreshed faith and hope.

As the sixth book in The Swans Are Not Silent series by John Piper, this book was most likely written with Christian educators and pastors in mind, rather than poets and writers. Regardless, the book speaks clearly to any communicator for Christ, exhorting us to consider the poetic effort in the poetry of Herbert, preaching of Whitefield, and creative writings of Lewis.

The Introduction defines that premise by saying, “This effort was the God-dependent intention and exertion to find striking, penetrating, imaginative, and awakening ways of expressing the excellencies they saw. My thesis is that this effort to say beautifully is, perhaps surprisingly, a way of seeing and savoring beauty.”

Whether in writing or speaking, we choose our words and how we use them – hesitantly, softly, boldly, accusingly, or beautifully. We want to move people to hear and heed, which “may be one reason why the Bible is filled with every manner of literary device to add natural impact: acrostics, alliteration, analogies, anthropomorphism, assonance, cadence, chiasmus, consonance, dialogue, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, meter, onomatopoeia, paradox, parallelism, repetition, rhyme, satire, simile…and more.”

Anglican pastor, George Herbert (1593-1633) “called his poems the record of his conflict with God,” and yet “his skill in the use of language has earned him the high praises in the twentieth century from T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Elizabeth Bishop, and Seamus Heaney.” Never aiming for “art for art’s sake,” Herbert consecrated his poems to God’s glory, aiming to “feel the love of God and to engrave it in the steel of human language for others to see and feel.” In this role as the secretary of God’s praise, “Herbert discovered… that the poetic effort to speak the riches of God’s greatness gave him deeper sight into that greatness.” In other words, “this effort to see and savor the glory of Christ was the effort to say it as it had never been said before.”

Oh, how great such an aim with no thought of a brand or platform!

Similarly, in the 18th century, George Whitefield’s sermons became “a phenomenon not just of his age but in the entire two-thousand-year history of Christian preaching. There has been nothing like the combination of his preaching pace and geographic extent and auditory scope and attention-holding effect and converting power.”

“Whitfield’s poetic effort focused on the making of sermons” where “specific biblical passages and doctrines were chosen, and specific words, sequences, consonances, assonances, cadences, images, narratives, characters, tones, pathoses, gestures, movements, facial expressions – all combined for an astonishing impact on believer and unbeliever alike.” In other words, his “poetic effort to speak and act in suitable ways wakened in him the reality he wanted to communicate. For him the truths of the gospel were so real – so wonderfully, terrifyingly, magnificently real – that he could not and would not preach them as though they were unreal or merely interesting.”

Closer to our time, C.S. Lewis came to Christ through logic and reason, which “led him to see that truth and beauty and justice and science would have no validity at all if there were no transcendent God in whom they were all rooted.” However, he reasoned that “if the key to the deepest meaning of this world lies outside this world then the world will probably be illumined most deeply not simply by describing the world as what it is but by likening the world to what it is not.” By using “metaphor, analogy, illustration, simile, poetry, story, myth – all of these are ways of likening aspects of reality to what it is not, for the sake of showing more deeply what it is.”

So, how does this affect us in our writing and speaking endeavors? As series author John Piper says, “Groping for awakening words in the darkness of our own dullness can suddenly flip a switch and shed light all around what it is that we are trying to describe – and feel. Taking hold of a fresh word for old truth can become a fresh grasp of the truth itself. Telling of beauty in new words becomes a way of tasting more of the beauty itself.”

Sometimes this simply means praying before we speak or write, giving our work to God, and giving God and the work the time needed to speak beautifully to us and others. As one of my favorite Bible verses says it, “With You (God) is the fountain of life, and in Your light we see light” (Psalm 36:9.) Amen!

© 2014, Mary Harwell Sayler, reviewer and poet-author of Living in the Nature Poem and the Bible-based poetry book, Outside Eden

Seeing Beauty and Saying Beautifully, hardcover

April 18, 2014

The Goodness in Good Friday

by Mary Harwell Sayler

It was finished.

There was nothing left to do
but take down Jesus' body
and hide it quickly
from mind, from view.

The terror of the tomb
closed the matter,
once for all,
wrapping sin
for its descent
into down-falling darkness
where never light had been.

Even from the Upper Room
no one had known our own
souls would be exhumed.

But Christ arose.

And with Him angels rolled
away the tombstone,
and doubt –
releasing all
who wanted out.

© 1983, 2014, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved. ...

June 3, 2013

Does one blog fit all?

This morning another writer announced that her blog just took an unexpected turn, and I thought, “Thank you for saying so!” Although blogs and websites have been around for a while, we’re still the First Generation of Bloggers or poets and writers who actively post on the Internet. Therefore, many of us might feel like we’re re-inventing the wheel, maybe because we are!

Some of us have so many ideas to discuss we don’t know where to begin. Or we start off with a blog we cannot possibly confine to one category.

So what do we do?

For me, trial-and-error has been full of trials and errors!

I keep hoping to have as few blogs as possible just to keep up, but my topics do not seem to be cooperating. For example, I’m highly interested in helping other writers, discussing poetry, and making the Bible come alive to show how relevant and timeless God’s Word is, but poets want to talk about poetry. Writers want to talk about writing. And people who want to pray Bible prayers might have no interest in poems or the concerns we have as poets and writers!

Having more than one blog takes more time but has some advantages:

A blog for each major topic gives you space to separate and organize your thoughts instead of trying to cram too much into each posting.

A blog for each topic gives you a wider reader base since your readers can hone in on what interests them. If they consistently find what they want, they’ll be apt to tell their friends.

A blog for each topic gives you a separate URL for each blog, allowing crosslinks or hotlinks from one blog to another. Reportedly, Search Engines take note of such activities, which can give each of your blogs a push toward higher visibility.

I do not know how or if I’ll be able to keep up with the blogs I feel led to write, but I thank you all for giving me a chance to try.

Lord willing, I also hope to post:

Prayer-a-phrased prayers from the Daily Bible Readings on the Bible Prayers blog

Poetry tips and info on the Poetry Editor and Poetry blog

Reviews of English translations, children's Bibles, and new study editions on the Bible Reviewer blog

Quick notes and hotlinks here on my personal blog to keep you updated on the above and also my news as a Christian poet and writer, who’s sometimes stressed but surely blessed by the work God has given me to do.

God bless you,

Mary Harwell Sayler


May 31, 2013

Praying with Hannah and Mary

In today’s Daily Bible Reading from 1 Samuel 2:1-10, this poem of prayer and praise by Samuel’s mother, Hannah, most likely evoked Mary’s exquisite praise-poem, known as the Magnificat. You can find that in today’s Gospel reading in Luke 1:39-57, but here's my prayer-a-phrase of Hannah's prayer:

Praying, Hannah said

In the LORD, my heart rejoices.
In the LORD, my strength is strong!
Against my enemies I speak only
because I celebrate victory!

No one – no
One Holy but You LORD –
and You stand beside me!

No one – no
Rock like our God.

Never again will I speak proudly!
Never again will arrogance slip
from my mouth
for the LORD alone is The One Who Knows
and by God’s knowledge
are my words weighed.

Mighty bows may be broken,
but the lowly wear God’s strength.

Someday well-fed people might
hire themselves out for food, while
those who hungered are filled.

Someday people with many children
might feel as though they had none, while
childless ones bring forth –

for the LORD alone brings us to life –
brings us to the doors of death
and raises us up again.

The LORD alone brings highs and lows –
brings lack and plenty.

From the dust, God raises us.
From the ash heap, God sifts us –
and lifts us to a place of honor.

O, Pillars of the Earth, you are the LORD’s!
On you, God has set the world.

God guards the feet of the faithful
from a veil of darkness.

Not in our strength but in the strength
of the LORD we will prevail.

The Most High thunders from heaven,
shattering and scattering our adversaries.

The LORD sees what’s going on and alone
knows what to do.

The LORD views the ends of the earth,
giving strength and power to God’s anointed.

©2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrase from today’s Daily Bible Reading in1 Samuel 2:1-10


May 25, 2013

Interviewing the Apostle Paul on money

We’re happy to have the Apostle Paul back with us in today’s Bible readings. Last month we discussed the spiritual gifts each of us has been given to up-build the church Body of Christ, but lately, many of us have money on our minds. Even our churches need it to keep the doors open and ministries going. So this time, Paul, I’d like to ask you about the attitude Christians should have about money. Is it important at all?

Paul: Of course, but we gain more through godliness and contentment with what we have. We brought nothing into the world and can take nothing out of it, so if we have food and clothing, we can be content with these.

MHS: Okay, but what if we win the lottery or invent a video game that makes us rich?

Paul: People who want to get rich get more temptations! Or they get trapped by all sorts of senseless, harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.

MHS: I see the dangers of loving money more than God.

Paul, nodding. Love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. Some, who are eager to be rich, wander away from the faith, which pierces them with many pains.

MHS: So, how do we avoid this?

Paul: As for you people of God, shun all this! Instead, pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness.

MHS: Sounds hard!

Paul: Then fight! Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life you’re called to and which you acknowledged in front of witnesses and in the presence of God, who brings all things to life – including Christ Jesus, who in His testimony before Pontius Pilate made a good confession too.

MHS: To be rich in faith – yes, that’s what I want! That’s what all of us in all of the churches want!

Paul: And I charge you all – I give you custody of the Lord’s commandments, so you may keep them without blemish or blame until our Jesus Christ comes again at just the right time. And He will! For He is the blessed and only Sovereign King of kings and Lord of lords. In Christ alone dwells immortality and unapproachable light – such as we have never seen – and never could see without Him. So to Him give honor forever and eternal control over your lives. Amen?

MHS: Amen!

Paul: As for those who are already rich, command them not to be haughty or to set their faith and hope on unreliable riches but on God who richly provides everything that’s truly delightful!

MHS: Yes! Thank you, Paul, You’ve helped a lot. Is there anything else you want to say before you go?

Paul: Just do good! Be rich in good works. Be generous and ready to share, thus storing up the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so you may take hold of a life that really is life. Guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid disrespectful talk, and avoid arguments that make you miss the point of faith.

MHS: Good words to live and love by! Thanks again, Paul. God bless you and your writings to the church.

Paul: May the grace of God be with you all.

©2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrase of today’s Daily Bible Reading in the Epistles, 1 Timothy 6:6-21


May 22, 2013

Promising the Kingdom of God

Jesus gave us glimpses of the Kingdom of Heaven by comparing what we do not see with what we do. By using literary devices of metaphor and simile, Jesus gave us poetry, which, in any form, can help us to remember what’s said.

In today’s Gospel readings, two tiny parables quickly slid into syllabic verse that’s technically not the traditional haiku from ancient Asia. Nevertheless, these English versions seemed to want that pattern of 5/ 7/ 5 syllables, respectively, on each line.

And Jesus said:

To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God?

Look at it like this:

Sow faith as small as
a mustard seed, and branches
will grow into nests.

And again, He asked:

How shall I show you the Kingdom of God?

Stir a bit of yeast
with many pounds of flour –
Wait! Much bread will rise.

©2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrased poems from Luke 13:18-20 in today’s Bible readings in the Gospels


May 21, 2013

Lifting hands in prayer

Prayer-a-phrase from the first letter Paul wrote to Timothy:

First of all I urge you
to plea, pray, intercede,
and give thanks for everyone –
including leaders in high places,
so we can lead
quiet, peaceful lives
of godliness and holiness.

Isn’t this a good thing to do?

Yes, and it pleases God our Savior,
Who desires for everyone to be saved –
for everyone to come to know the truth –
the truth of the one God and the one
mediator between God and mankind,

Christ Jesus, Who, as a man,
gave Himself as the one ransom
Who pays for all people

To this I attest.
For this God blessed
and appointed me to be
a messenger, a proclaimer
of God’s good news,
a verifier of truth –
and that’s no lie!

So I teach this faith and truth,
hoping to reach all,
desiring that everywhere everyone
will pray, lifting holy hands
that hold nothing back – hands
lacking anger or argument –
clean hands – smudge-proof –
holding no grudge.

© 2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrase of 1Timothy 2:1-8 from today’s Daily Bible Readings in the Epistles


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