
These hotlinks can help poets, writers, pastors, and other communicators for Christ:

ABC's of Poetry: A Dictionary for Children and for Fun - Hardback of easy-to-learn poetry terms and forms, A to Z, with lively examples of poems by classical and contemporary poets - perfect for classrooms and creative kids of all ages, including adults!

Bible Hub - Internet resource with commentaries, sermons, a variety of study tools, and many translations of the Bible

Bible Gateway – Website with over 150 translations of the Bible to compare versions in parallel, search for a word or phrase, research Bible study topics, and more

Bible Prayers – Blog with prayers from the Bible prayerfully paraphrased (prayer-a-phrased) in contemporary language

Bible Reviewer – Blog with reviews of new translations in English, study editions, children’s Bibles, and Bible resources

Bible Study Tools - Website with study aids and many Bible translations, including the World English Bible (WEB), which is contemporary but in the public domain.

Bibles in the public domain - A variety of translations you can quote without having to get a publisher's permission but with an acknowledgement of the version you use

Book of Bible Prayers - Actual prayers from Holy Scripture paraphrased into contemporary English

Book of KJV Prayers - Actual prayers from the King James Version only collected into a unique prayer book

Catholic Writers Guild – Membership organization dedicated to a rebirth of Catholic arts and letters with awards, blog, and showcase of members

Christian Book Publishers – List of publishing houses open to manuscripts

Christian Global Outreach - Resources for nondenominational churches and pastors, including ordination

Christian Poets & Writers Group on Facebook

Christian Publishing Companies – List of traditional, indie, and self-publishing houses who focus on Christian manuscripts

Christian Writer's Guide - E-book on listening, writing, researching, revising, marketing, and more

Christian Writer’s Life – Mary's blog with tips on researching, writing, revising, and living a Christian writer’s life

Church Clarion Awards – Promotes excellence in church communications

Church denominational headquarters – Can also be found by doing an Internet word search for your particular denomination. The publications of your church headquarters often include church school materials, children’s take-home papers, teaching manuals, magazines, devotional guides, aids for sermons, and Christian books – all of which need writers.

Copyright Office – This part of the Library of Congress has information on copyrights and other aspects of writing and publishing people often ask.

Creative Writing Glossary - Defines writing terms writers need to know.

Dictionary – Online dictionary and thesaurus to help you find The right word as you revise your manuscript or sermon

En-Gedi Resource Center – Helps Christians to discover their biblical Jewish roots, better understand the times and culture of Jesus, and become acquainted with Bible lands and the God-decreed Feasts of Israel.

English Guide - Website explaining parts of speech, grammar usage, and more.

English with Oxford – Website with A to Z grammar guide and tips on all aspects of speaking and writing English

Interlitq - The International Literary Quarterly gives voice to poets and writers around the world. Look for Mary's previous column on "Poets Who Make Us Better."  

Lectionary, Catholic - Daily Bible readings from the New American Bible, Revised Edition

Lectionary Page  - Daily Scriptures provided by the Episcopal Church for all denominations

Lectionary, Revised Common -  Bible readings used by many denominations as posted on the Vanderbilt website

Library of Congress – Contains historical documents, photographs, digital collections, copyright info, and more.

Online Writing Lab – Website by Purdue University with writing helps including grammar, spelling, verb tenses, usage of adjectives and adverbs and more

Poetry Foundation - Website featuring poets, poetry, and helps on poetry writing

Poet's Guide to Poetry - E-book on traditional forms, poetry techniques, line breaks in free verse, scansion, revision, and glossary of terminology used by poets and poetry editors

Poets & Writers classifieds – Announces conferences, contests, and calls for writing in all genres.

Poets & Writers Literary Magazines – Database with contacts and submission guidelines for over 1200 literary publications

Query Tracker – A to Z list of publishers with contact information and means of tracking submissions

Rhyme Zone – With search box for you to type in a word and find rhyming possibilities

Rhymer – Website with word search for end rhymes, head rhymes, and other sound echoes

Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI) – Professional organization with awards, local chapters, and writing helps for poets, artists, and writers interested in kidlit

Vatican – Holy See website with encyclicals, meditations, and all sorts of resources of the Roman Catholic Church

Writers-Editors Network – Professional organization for writers, editors, and publishers with jobs board and newsletter to discover each other’s needs, connect for writing projects or assignments, keep up with trends, and learn more about writing and publishing



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God messaged me through music

Since I grew up in church, hymn lyrics provided the primary poetry in my life. Well, that and Robert Lewis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of V...