morning I receive an email from Bible Gateway with the verse for the day. After
reading various translations on the site, I then select one to post on Twitter,
but today’s verse threw me:
God like His own dear children,” Ephesians 5:1, and I thought, “How can I possibly
do that?”
I went on
to other things that needed tending, but the verse kept coming to mind. When I finally
sat down to give it more thought, the creation story in Genesis came to mind.
As we follow this first biblical passage about God, we find these first steps toward imitating God:
Be a peacemaker,
a problem solver. Bring order from chaos.
Be light,
and bring light to others.
Be a
caretaker of the environment, starting where we are.
Be a
protector of animals.
Be aware
that all peoples come from the same Creator God, even if they don’t know it.
respectful of others and yourself.
Be in
constant communion with God.
Be ready
to work and ready to rest.
Be Love,
Mary Sayler