Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

May 9, 2017

How to have more followers on social media

Social media works a little like making connections in real life. You approach someone in a friendly manner and strike up a conversation. If the person doesn’t seem interested in a subject, you find another to spark attention, but each time being attentive to the responses or lack thereof.

To engage with readers on social media, type a key subject into the search box found on most of their pages to see who has a similar interest. For me, for example, the words “Bible,” “Christian,” “poet,” “writer,” “publisher” helped me to find people who also want to discuss those topics. As I followed them, many followed me in return.

When new “friends” seemed especially interesting and in tune, I looked to see who their friends were. Then I followed them. I also followed publishers to keep up with what they’re publishing or might need. A few of those connections eventually gave me new writing projects!

Since I highly prize ecumenism and unity among Protestant, Catholics, Evangelical, Charismatic, Orthodox, and Liturgical Christians, I’ve also made a point of following people from all denominations. I want to know what other Christians they think and why, so, Lord willing, I can find ways for us to forgive, accept, and embrace one another, regardless of our differences.

As my connections increased, however, some people felt more like stalkers than followers, and others were so crude, obscene, or politically angry, I stopped following them. On a very few occasions, I’ve had to block people from following me - without blocking them from prayers.

Another word of caution: Social Media sites may frown on your following hundreds of people when, say, only a dozen follow you. So give people time to catch up. Some only come online every few days or so, while others stay active and respond right away if they’re interested in what your profile shows.

What does it show? Well, that depends on what you want other people to know about you. Since I want to discuss #faith, #writing, #Bible topics, etc., my profile shows that with hashtags # to emphasize my favorite subjects. Then, as other people search for those same subjects on Twitter or Facebook, my media page should come up.

This process of seeking and finding new “friends” on the Internet continues as long as we want to stay active on the social sites. And, why would we? Each site offers opportunities to make connections with peers with whom we identify and learn, potential publishers who might want the type of writing we do, and readers who might be interested in our books or blogs.

However, each occasion for marketing our work will be better received when interspersed with an uplifting Bible verse, a lively quote, a writing tip, a cool fact, or a retweet (RT) of someone else’s post. The more you offer interesting content to your Internet connections, the more apt they’ll be to RT your tweets or share your posts too, and the next thing you know, you might have more followers than your town has residents!

© 2017, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved


September 27, 2012

Social Networking for fun and profit

The “profit” part of the above title will, most likely, occur in ways besides money, but that can happen too – and actually has for me. Not only did I get a couple of writing gigs from a “Call for Manuscripts” on Twitter, one assignment paid well the first time then again a year or so later as a reprint. I have also been “found” by poets, writers, and editors who want my professional opinion through a paid critique or writing consult.

Usually, though, the profitable part pays off by connecting with other Christian poets and writers and hearing what they have to say. It’s sort of like having a church group to uphold us in shared goals to:

Spread the Good News of God’s forgiveness,

Love one another despite our denominational differences, real or imagined (but often the latter,)

Overcome "bad press" about Christianity,

Up-build the Body of Christ.

If we’re going to get any writing done, however, we need to pray, focus, and be left alone to write! The Presence of God remains with us, but sometimes we just need information or encouragement from a Christian counselor, especially if that person happens to be a poet or writer who has a clue about what the life of a Christian writer is like. (If you’ve ever tried to explain what you do to a non-writer or almost anyone vying for your attention, you know what I mean.)

So with prayer and the hope of common-union with one another and profitable service for the Body of Christ, I recently began groups for Christian Poets & Writers on Facebook and LinkedIn. Why both? They’re like two different body parts with bodily functions that might overlap, but not much!

The Christian Poets & Writers group on Facebook gives us a chance to post frequent updates about our plans, blog postings, upcoming events, and encouraging words that God brings to mind and spirit. We can quickly respond with a “Like” to encourage other poets and writers, too, or add a comment, or “Share” info relevant to our other Facebook pages.
If you're a member (free), post your full URL and ask to be added to the blogroll. To keep this work encouraged and going, add the Christian Poets & Writers blog to your blogroll and list of recommended sites too. Thanks and blessings.


©2012, Mary Harwell Sayler


ABC Characteristics of Christians

  This alphabetical list describes traits commonly held among Christians from all sorts of backgrounds and church affiliations. However, num...