Unfortunately, I speak from experience! Earlier this year, I decided not to renew my domain names and keep only my blogs or other free sites. Bad idea! Within a short time, I discovered that anyone looking for my writing, poetry tips, or Bible-based websites would be led to psychic readings or, worse, a page of nudes! This was not why I spent a decade building followers!
I suppose such shocks are to be expected: i.e. people opposed to Christianity will be ready to take advantage of the opportunities that, sadly, I created.
The only way I know how to enter this battle without coming to blows is to go through my blogs and change old hotlinks to current ones.
Last week, I spent 3.5 days turning posts into drafts, locating the worrisome links, and inserting active ones I actually want people to find. Sounds easy enough, but tedious as I had well over 1,300 posts!
I’m still less than half-way through this tiring task, but, Lord willing, I hope to update the remaining links this week. Nevertheless, I’m very, very grateful the Lord made me aware of this problem before I had a lot more posts to tend.
Praise God!
©2021, Mary Sayler