Showing posts with label basic writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basic writing. Show all posts

October 27, 2016

How to tell a story

In poetry, words with multiple connotations can bring an air of mystery. However, in a short story or novel, that ambiguity doesn't work well – and even less so in science-fiction. Sci-fi needs to be grounded in realism to be plausible and interesting.

Generally speaking, clarity comes by briefly identifying each person, situation, and setting as you introduce them in your fiction. Keep in mind though, the story is the point. Then keep the action in each scene moving without interruption.

Details can be woven between scenes with story movement occurring as it happens. In other words, show movement in the moment, rather than telling about it before or after the event. This develops your story in a logical time sequence, which helps to clarify what's happening, when, and to whom.

Mary Harwell Sayler, ©2016

February 16, 2013

Tips for a long writing life

Writing for traditional book companies, magazines, or other print publications may take a little time to investigate, think about, and prayerfully consider, but you gain a lot for the effort. Besides acquiring publishing credits with well-known publishers, you will most likely receive editorial feedback and immediately gain a wide readership for your work.

If that greater outreach appeals to you, you’ll be glad to know that many articles relating to your writing interests have already been posted on this blog. Lord willing, the following tips will also help you to build and sustain a long career in freelance writing:

Read and study well-written classics and contemporary works in your genre.

Think about what first drew you to each book, poem, article, or story and what retains your interest.

Re-read periodicals you like and get familiar with everything from the Table of Contents to Letters to the Editor.

Also notice ads to see what readers of a particular publication are drawn to and what interests them. If those same things interest you – and if the poems, articles, or stories do too – then add that publication to your list of Most Likely Markets.

Make a list, too, of your God-given gifts, special interests, experiences, and topics that come to mind as you read, considering and noting any gaps your work might fill.

Ask God to guide you in using your gifts and selecting a topic.

Find a relevant theme, focus, or goal for that particular topic and reading audience, again, praying for God’s guidance.

Research your subject well, creating a bibliography as you go.

As you begin to write, let your writing flow without hindering or criticizing yourself. Then let your work rest. Later, read each page as if someone else had written it.

Read aloud each revision, listening especially for unclear wording or discordant sounds.

Revise accordingly then place your best manuscript with an editor – one editor at a time.

Follow the writers’ guidelines carefully for each submission. (You can usually find these on the company’s website.)

Keep track of where, when, and to whom you mailed your work.

While you wait to hear from one editor, query another about your next idea.

Begin at the beginning of these suggestions.

Begin and end with prayer for God’s ongoing guidance, inspired ideas, and a long, blessed writing life!

© 2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, all rights reserved.


God, me, and overhanging trees

Living on a fixed income means keeping down expenses and praying for God to provide, especially when something untimely – like a hurricane...