Showing posts with label God hears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God hears. Show all posts

April 18, 2013

Praying boldly

I’m writing to you who already believe
in the Name of Jesus, the Son of God,
so you may know you have received
the life unceasing.

In Christ you can be bold!
In Christ you can hold up anything
in prayer,
according to His will, and He will

When we know God hears us
and what we ask, we know we have
what’s been requested.

So if you see a brother or sister in Christ
doing something wrong, ask God on behalf
of the person’s life,
and God will give it
to all who haven’t killed the spirit.

About that, I do not say to pray
for some sins kill the soul, but know
that those born of God do not do this
for God protects those who belong to Christ
from even a touch of the evil one.

Know this! We’re God’s own children!
The whole world has fallen under
the power of the evil one,
but we know the Son of God has come
and given you
and me an understanding of Who
is True.

And through His Son, Christ Jesus,
we are in God, Who is True,
Who is life everlasting!

O Child of God, keep yourself
from believing any untrue word
or idolizing anyone but our Lord.

©2013, Mary Harwell Sayler, prayer-a-phrase of 1 John 5:13-21


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