March 28, 2013

Passover: The First, The Last

Promise of Passover

The blood of a lamb on the doorpost,
the blood of an unblemished lamb
on your doorpost,
the blood that drips from the crossbeams
is the sign on the house where you live –

the sign for death to pass over,
the sign for a day of remembrance,
the sign of the death of the firstborn –
of the Lamb who gave blood for your doorpost.

© 2013 Mary Harwell Sayler, poem prayer-a-phrased from today’s reading in Exodus 12


Shari LeKane said...

Such a beautiful story of sacrifice is the story of Passover. We are here by of the blood of the lamb, and by the blood of the lamb we shall remain.

Mary Sayler said...

Amen. And that's the "Good" in Good Friday. May yours be blessed.

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